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MTV Teen Mom Family Reunion Life Coach Dr Cheyenne Bryant

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Interviewed by Aaron Robinson (Editor) @iamcomprehend & Tocarra Eldridge-Robinson @TocarraMusikWorld


Consciousness Magazine had the opportunity to interview Dr. Cheyenne Bryant. In our interview we speak about her involvement on MTV Teen Mom: Family Reunion as a Life Coach and how she effectively gives guidance and healing techniques to the cast members on the television show in hopes to better their lives. Bryant gives insight about her new book Mental Detox and also encourages the masses with powerful words of encouragement.

Here is what Dr. Cheyenne Bryant has to share with the readers.

Aaron Robinson: Thank you Dr. Bryant for this interview with us, we always really appreciate you taking out the time. Thank you so much!

Tocarra Eldridge-Robinson: Thank you so much!

Dr. Cheyenne Bryant: Absolutely, thank you both for having me! I know I’ve interviewed before with this beautiful woman and she did a great interview, great questions, very relatable, and it was just a good time! So I appreciate it, and I’m definitely excited to be back.

Tocarra: We’re excited to have you back!

Aaron: For those who don’t know about Dr. Bryant, I know your bio, your resume, is like thirty pages. Can you briefly tell us a bit about Dr. Bryant?

Dr. Cheyenne Bryant: Absolutely, I am Dr. Cheyenne Bryant. I’m a psychology expert and life coach. I am the president of our local NAACP, I’m the founder of the Dr. Bryant Institute, the founder of the Dr. Bryant Foundation, and I’m the on camera life coach for MTV Teen Mom: Family Reunion. Which we totally killed the first season, I’m guessing, because we got the green light for season two – so that’s really exciting!

I always educate and say that therapy is a lot about your past, your childhood, what you’ve been through, what those relationships are like, so that we can have an understanding of how you got to the place where you are now as far as your perceptions, your angle on things, how you choose, and what you’re calibrating. I have a saying in my book Mental Detox, I say you have to feel, deal, and only then can you heal. And once you do that, which is the therapy, then we go on to the coaching of creating this new narrative, let’s start to create who you want to be, what does that look like, let’s show up as for him or her. And let’s practice, let’s build that muscle. And then I give tools on how to maintain that, because we can’t get anything and stay there if we don’t learn how to maintain it.

Aaron: Absolutely, absolutely! Let’s go back to MTV Teen Mom: Family Reunion. When I came across the information I told Tocarra, and I was like ‘wow’ because she interviewed you before and you just never know where a persons life is going to go, and we were just both excited that you were on that show. So how did you become involved on the show?

Dr. Cheyenne Bryant: Yeah, great question. So, initially I was contracted with E! Network to have my own Dr. Bryant show, totally different concept with that show. And so I was part of the E! Network family. So, that means when someone owns you, no one else can have you. MTV had reached out when I was in contract with E! and attempted to get me to work with them and do different things, and I couldn’t do it because I was with E! Network. Then, finally, my guy Chris, who is amazing at E! Network, said “listen, we’re going to let you out of your contract early. We absolutely love your work, just working with you on set, you’ve changed my life and my health.” The contract ended. I was like “Oh great, cool!”A few years after that, MTV circled back around and said “What’s up. Are you available? Are you free? What’s going on?” And from there, we went through the process of what that would be like, and they said “You’re the perfect fit”. And I said “Okay, let’s rock and roll.”

I’m not surprised that this is where I landed, I always knew during my Masters and my Doctorate, my professors would ask “Who’s getting licensed?” and everybody would raise their hand, and I was the only one that did not raise my hand, and my professors always said, “why are you going through all these years of schooling?” and I said, “because I’m going to have my own show”. I didn’t know the capacity of it, but I did know that my intent was to have a show, not for the celebrity status, not for the ego of it, I already knew that I could obtain that just through my private practice because I’m very effective and this is my purpose, it was more so that I could use the platform where you have millions of folks globally that I can use my tools. I told God, “I don’t want to be a celebrity, unless I can be a celebrity in the sense that people look at me across the world and say ‘you see that woman, she changed my life.”

Tocarra: Dr. Bryant, what do you like most about being on this show, helping these mothers, healing their problems, and giving them guidance. Can you give us a little insight?

Dr. Cheyenne Bryant: Oh yeah. What I absolutely love the most, the epitome of what is amazing about the show and being on it with these amazing folks, is that I see myself in all of them. I experienced teenage pregnancy. The only difference is they have their choice and their action walking around everyday to remind them of being a teenage mom.

I didn’t. My dad was, and still is, very active in my life, and he said, “You’re a teenager. We’re not going down this route. You’re not going to have this child. You may hate me now, but you’ll thank me later.” It wasn’t forced; I’ve always trusted my father’s decisions. So when he said that, I thought, “Okay, I trust you, brilliant idea.” I was only 14 at the time. My parents were the last people I’ve seen walking into the clinic, and the first folks walking out.

I say that to say that when I see all of the teen moms, and the dogma, the trauma, the embarrassment, the judgement, all the ‘how are you going to make it now that you have a child’, you’re ashamed because you’re a young woman, you’re pregnant, you’re sexually active, and what are you doing, and all that stuff that comes with it, I get it. I get them. I understand them. The abandonment that they experienced, a lot of their abandonment behaviours that come up, they’re not foreign to me. They don’t show up in me now as woman who’s done her work – who everyday meditates, heals, and works with people all day.

So sitting with them, and seeing so much of myself in their behaviours, seeing so much of myself in Ashley’s venom of her tongue. And seeing her wanting to control everything, because in her distorted thinking, it brings her safety. Seeing Leah shut down from not wanting to be in love, because being in love didn’t work for her, and it caused her a lot of agony and pain. So she just threw it away and didn’t realize that throwing away love is throwing away herself. Hope deferred makes the heart sick. Yet, she didn’t understand why her heart was so sick. But her beautiful man who is saying, “I want to take on you and these kids. And I want to love you.” And she can’t understand why he would want to do something so crazy like that, because she threw herself away so long ago, and didn’t see herself as lovable.

Even, seeing Briana going through co-parenting issues with Devoin, he was just trying to be the best parent he can be to two kids, one biological, one not. He’s trying to give everything he can. Brianna just didn’t see that, but just focused on what he was not doing, but he was doing what he could with what he had.

Aaron: You pursue group sessions of therapy workshops on the show. When it comes to the mothers, are there any practices, or exercises, that you use more than others to better their lives and to help them become better individuals?

Dr. Cheyenne Bryant: My go-to exercises always stimulate sense-of-self. Stimulate what is going on in you – who are you – awareness in you. It always goes back to sense-of-self…self-love. Unfortunately, a lot of us were taught that anything self is selfish. Selfish is healthy. People need to understand that there is a healthy selfishness that has nothing to do with being self-centered, that says I love myself enough to make sure that atmosphere, environments, and relationships are healthy, compatible, and conductive to what I need. There is nothing self-centered about that. If we were all more selfish in that self-loving way, then compatibility, that would be something that happens more often, and the divorce rate wouldn’t be so high. And relationships in general would last.

If I say authentically that this is what I need, and this is what I am, and I present as that, and I just show up as that everyday, then I’m going to calibrate that which is compatible to me. Now, if I’m this way and compatibility comes to me, then they need to be compatible with who I really am for us to even stick. Will we be perfect? No. But will we have compatibility at a much higher level? Absolutely! And that is what is important: people wear the mask of ‘If I wear this, or show up as this, then I’ll be able to fuse and connect’. You don’t fuse and connect at the mask or at the intellect; you can only fuse at the heart space which is the love, intimacy, and the freedom. If you connect at the intellect, once that thought leaves, or that memory goes, then where do you go? But, if you connect at the heart space, then you have a friend, or a lover, companion, or confidant for life.

Tocarra: Outside of the TV show, you’re a bestselling author, a fitness expert, and much more. Is there anything exciting that is coming up that you would like to share?

Dr. Cheyenne Bryant: Yeah, absolutely. We have the Dr. Bryant Mexico retreat that is coming up. I have my book, The ABC’s to Mental Health that is also coming out. I’ve also started a new group, a live coaching session that we do via zoom, which allows folks who can’t afford the 1-2-1 session, which is a lot of people. Because of that, I created a group wide coaching session which consists of 8-10 people per group, once a week. It’s members only, which is $200 a month, and then you get that one hour session a week. But you have a group of 8-10 people in which each person has about 8-10 minutes to share – in so far as engage with me – and then when they’re done, they can hop off the zoom call. That’s okay; they don’t have to stay the whole time. We’ll be launching that in about 30-45 days. So everybody has a chance to get some tools, and understand their pain pockets, and get some coaching. I think it’s a human right for people to have a good quality of life, and to have good mental health.

Aaron: Our last interview was during the pandemic, and you spoke about inspiring people, how they can get through these trying times. Now that we’re coming out of the pandemic, do you have any words of encouragement for individuals who are looking to get their life back on track, and living again, living a happy life, and to just be whole again?

Dr. Cheyenne Bryant: Oh yeah, great question. I talk about this in my session with a lot of my clients – get linear. What does that mean? Narrow is a road to happiness, wide is a road to destruction from what the Bible says. I believe it; it’s a principle I live by. So get linear, what does that mean, it means take inventory of all the things you do throughout the day, how many of these things actually bring me joy? Bring me happiness? The things that do, you keep. The things that don’t, you get rid of quickly and swiftly. Why? Because you have one job, and that job is to be happy. Everything happens in the happy. Your happy is your vortex. And as Abraham Hicks says, it’s in your vortex – all the good stuff. The vortex is a calibration of your happiness and with high vibration. And so if your vibration is low, or you’re not in that space of just being happy and doing all the self love stuff, then you’re not in the same calibration as your vortex. You’re not on the same dial.

I want you to run the play of everything that makes you happy. Read a book, working out, talking to a friend of an hour or so, text messaging someone every 10-15 minutes to an accountability partner why you’re working. Whatever that looks like, that good stuff will recharge you in ways you can never imagine, ever imagine. There is a saying, an ounce of innovation is worth a pound of prevention. And that’s what this is saying, an ounce of doing the stuff that just makes you happy, and lights you up, oh my god, it’s worth a pound of anything you can ever imagine doing. God has allowed us to have free-choice and free-will over what is our peace and our happiness. Those are the things we have to learn to choose and continuously maintain that choice. Because, it is a choice and it’s a mindset.

Tocarra: Before we conclude the interview is there anything else you’d like to add, or share, or anything we didn’t cover?

Dr. Cheyenne Bryant: I just wanted to tell everyone, because a lot of people have been asking about my first book Mental Detox, you can go on Amazon and get my first book Mental Detox. And then my second book will be out in a couple of months. The other thing is, stay tuned for season 2 airing on MTV, we’re excited about it and we have lots of really good tools that you can use to learn. Then the retreat, the Mexico retreat has limited spots and is on a wellness retreat hotel that is specifically for it, everything is wellness, and meditation, and yoga, and is therapeutic. So, it’s something that’s really magical and for folks who are really serious about self-love, getting themselves in alignment, and learning these tools – this is definitely a retreat to be on. Not just because it’s my retreat, but because we’re only doing it once a year. I want everyone to come and get that healing and that love, and just to open up self to all the possibilities. It’s important and it’s our birth right. It’s what we’re here to do – to be happy, and to be in a place of peace and create an atmosphere of ourselves because it’s our responsibility.

Aaron: When you get your own show, I can’t wait to see it! You just empower, and I’d watch your show like every day. So I can’t wait!

Dr. Cheyenne Bryant: Thank you so much, I appreciate it! I really do. And great interview again. The energy was no different from when I first interviewed with Tocarra, and again just connected. I just hope folks will continue to view your videos or subscribe to Consciousness Magazine. I just think that your platform is amazing! It’s perfect for folks to read, learn, and to grow into their own and to get tips that can change their life. That’s what it’s about. So, thank you for doing what you do, and continuing to be a pillar, and a change advocate like you have. We need that, and we definitely need it in our community. So thank you both.

For more information on Dr. Cheyenne Bryant please visit:


Website: https://drbryant.co/

Also watch Dr. Cheyenne Bryant on the

The Aaron and Tocarra Show presented by Consciousness Magazine on Vimeo


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Last modified: July 3, 2023
