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Sister Sledge ft Sledgendary on Latest Happenings

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Interviewed and written by Aaron Robinson – editor  @iamcomprehend


Consciousness magazine had the opportunity to speak with Sister Sledge ft Sledgendary members Tanya Ti-et, Camille Sledge, Thaddeus Sledge and David Sledge regarding their career, latest happenings and much more. The group, being under the direction of Debbie Sledge, have gained so much success and have already made a name for themselves in the music industry. Here is what the ensemble of talented musicians has to share with the readers.

Aaron Robinson: You all have various musical backgrounds when it comes to music. How did Sledgendary come together as a group?

Tanya Ti-et: I think it was really just an organic evolution from who and where we already were, individually and collectivelyAt the end of the day, as different as we all may be, we all have a heavy desire to share joy and love and the idea of FAMILY, in whatever form, through music – which we all love so much. Knowing the enormity of Sister Sledge and their impact on the industry and even society continues to feed us the inspiration that pushes us up and over what we have already accomplished. Debbie has been enthusiastically encouraging us all to step into our next phase and bring out all that we have inside (I also remember Joni always believing and expressing that there’s MORE). So, I believe that it was only natural that each of our talents, personalities, ideas and intentions would combine and create something blessed and beautiful.

Aaron: You all are the children of the iconic sisters of Sister Sledge. You all are building a legacy with your musical gifts. How has that experience been for you all while working and being on tour with Debbie Sledge?


Camille: I feel this work is so important for our future generations to come. It feels good to know there is a legacy and that those types of things are not mythical for families. As a mother myself, I am choosing a life path less trodden and it feels scary at times. But as I watch my own mother take control of her own destiny, I cannot walk in fear; I must bare the torch next for my own children (and mentee’s from my nonprofit SOHHPHX). 

David: Honestly, it’s been unreal. I’m extremely grateful and blessed. Being a part of this amazing journey was never forced on me. My mother was always super supportive of what I wanted to do growing up. On my third year in music, I’m just amazed how much beauty is in the world. My mother is basically Superwoman; she always taught me to reach for the stars and to not stop when I get to the top. The many blessings that I’ve been able to share with my mother oversees is incredible. I’ll never take any of it for granted.

ThaddeusThis entire experience has been nothing short of life changing. It’s been an honor and a blessing to grace the stage with my aunts and my late mother Joni, as well. Between them I’ve learned more about performing and engaging with an audience, than any classroom could teach me. To watch my mother, or my aunt, be able to get a crowd of 40 thousand plus people on their feet literally jumping out of their seats dancing and singing along to their iconic hits, is both awe inspiring and truly humbling at the same time. To know that I am a part of that legacy is an incredible feeling.

Aaron: I understand the importance of giving back due to being one of the founders of my youth organization located in Kankakee, Illinois called Still I Rise where we serve underprivileged and impoverished youth. Camille, as you mentioned, you are the founder of the Non-Profit Organization School of HipHop PHX where you work with underrepresented inner-city youth. What was the inspiration to creating this organization?

Camille: We really just saw a void that needed to be filled in our community. There were virtually no free or low-cost music programs, also there was nowhere for young people to go hang out and be around music or instruments. Knowing the value of how music can heal, led us to create an outlet for the youth in Central Phoenix. We saw programs like this which focused on Rock music, but they were all so far away from the inner-city that they were also inaccessible. We wished there was something more accessible for these youth, who turned out to need it the most.  

Aaron: You all are debuting your music at the beginning of 2022 with Sister Sledge featuring Sledgendary. Can you tell us a little about what you love the most about this amazing project?

CamilleI love that it’s a liberating moment for one of the most FAMILY families to ever family. We are THAT! We have always had music thriving inside of us, and this time we came together for a celebration of our love and inspiration to flourish in song. It’s one thing that I have always wanted with my mom. I have been blessed to see this day

David: Our sound is unique and perfectly blended with so many different flavors. Our project has all the ingredients for major hits. So stay tuned for some incredible music this year. I definitely love that we are all one big family with a love for music.

ThaddeusI love the energy that we’re bringing to the table and the vibe we’re creating. It’s such a wonderful thing to be able to express that feeling of liberation through music, especially with one’s family.

TanyaI love the message in the music and I LOVE the chemistry within our Sledgendary music family, which includes our amazing musicians.

Aaron: What is the chemistry like while recording and working in the studio together?

CamilleThe chemistry is fun. We all have a sense of humor that spills out when we sing together and I’m guessing it’s because we all enjoy being there. We do have a “Mother” figure in the room, so we don’t play (too much). But it’s enjoyable for sure. 

DavidWe have so many different ideas and we love to collaborate together. There’s never any drama. We all support each other, and we enjoy our time together. Sometimes we crack jokes just to lighten the mood. We are just one big supportive family.



ThaddeusOur chemistry is so natural because the amount of time we’ve spent together, not only as a family, but through traveling the globe performing in front of tens of thousands of people. So, when it came time to get in the booth and record, it was like riding a bike. Everything just clicked.

TanyaHYPE SQUAD! Lol. We dig in and we cheer each other on between and during each take. We build on each other’s energy and just cherish the process. It’s really a pleasure to make music with people you love.

Aaron: Are any of you all working on any solo projects that your listeners or fans can look forward to in the future?

Camille: I love it!! Go to www.camillesledge.com to find my recently released solo soul project, STREETLIGHTS AND LULLABIES. It’s Fire! I’m releasing a single from the NEXT EP in 2022 as well, so keep watch! 

David: I have an album coming out look for the finished product in May.


Thaddeus: Yes, actually! I’m excited to say that my time recently performing live in Denmark has truly inspired me and I am currently working on my first untitled solo project collaborating with some dope musicians from the EU and the US as well. Keep your ear to the ground.

TanyaQuietly taking my time behind the scenes with a few things that I’ve  been sitting on a bit too long. So, yes, I have plans to send some new Tanya Ti-et material out into the universe sometime in mid or late 2022.

Aaron: What can your audience anticipate hearing when they listen to Sister Sledge featuring Sledgendary?

DavidThey are going to fall in love with the authenticity of the group, the realness, the beauty, the energy, the love and the freeness. We aren’t like any other group because we truly do it for the love of music. The audience will automatically be pulled in because we have a special connection with them. They will feel like they are part of the group when they see us perform, because in all reality we are all one big family. Spreading happiness, joy, peace and love is what we do!

Thaddeus:You guys should be ready for some refreshingly authentic music and a vibe that makes you want to groove again, because it’s all real and it’s all love!

Aaron: Tanya, having the longevity that you’ve had when it comes to the music industry, what words of encouragement would you share with those upcoming musicians who are looking to make a name for themselves?

Tanya: Well, longevity seems relative. God blessed me with musical and lyrical abilities that I have exercised in various ways since I was a child and will continue to do so until my last breath, regardless of how big my name becomes in any industry. However, I have grown into the notion that these gifts also come with a responsibility to serve by sharing experiences and offering inspiration for others to relate to and draw from. So I would first encourage the “up and comers” to fully embrace themselves. No need to measure who YOU are against someone else’s persona. You are unique because there is no other YOU. Create from an honest place because authenticity never goes out of style. Neither does LOVE so include that in everything you do and you will go as far and as long as you desire.

Aaron: Would any of you all like to add anything in closing?

CamilleI just want to add that I am super grateful and proud to share the stage with my family. I’m so excited to see the new music flowing from every person in this group! Tanya, Hands down -best songwriter I know!!! Dave, you are an amazing and talented vocalists and performer who inspires me to wake up and write every day!!! And Thaddeus has made me push my vocal ranges, to become a better singer because his level of natural talent is BEAST MODE! And Mom, I just LOVE You so much! I am honored to be your daughter. You are a true Queen. 

TanyaI feel truly blessed, honored, humbled and overjoyed to be a part of this group. I’m in the presence of some of the most genuine, loving spirits who bring SO much to the table. Sledgendary baby!


For more information on Sister Sledge ft Sledgendary please visit:

https://sistersledge.com/ https://www.instagram.com/sistersledgeofficial/



Photo Credits: Debbie: Chris Loomis, Camille: Chris Loomis and Designer: Galina Mihaleva – Galina Couture, Thad: Chris Loomis, Tanya: Louis Aytch, David: Chris Loomis

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Last modified: February 19, 2024
