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Iconic R&B Singer Anthony Hamilton- Sessions Juneteenth Special Exclusive

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Interviewed and written by Tocarra Eldridge @TocarraMusikWorld


R&B icon Anthony Hamilton, the Grammy Award-winning multi-platinum singer, songwriter, producer, actor and author will perform on June 19th for the Sessions Juneteenth Special Exclusive. The concert, which is presented by Sessions will stream at 6PM PT/9PM ET and will include an encore performance, along with a live group virtual meet. Fans can purchase tickets at sessionslive.com/anthonyhamilton/tickets starting at $19.99. Also available is exclusive merchandise.


Over the course of Hamilton’s career, he has sold over 5o million albums worldwide and has achieved an array of awards. For nearly three decades in his career, Hamilton has collaborated with industry greats such as Al Green, Buddy Guy, Santana, Rick Ross, Chris Brown and DJ Khaled, just to name several.


I was able to chat with Anthony Hamilton about his upcoming concert and follow up on some of his latest happenings and inspiration. Here is what the prolific icon has to share with the readers.


Tocarra Eldridge: Hello Anthony! How are you doing today?

Anthony Hamilton: I am doing pretty good!


Tocarra: I want to thank you so much for interviewing today with Consciousness Magazine!

Anthony: No problem.


Tocarra: So, you have a live concert with Sessions for the Sessions Juneteenth Special Exclusive Edition that will stream this Saturday, June 19th. What type of gratification is this for you?

Anthony: You know it’s always good to celebrate our heritage and our people collectively – being proud of our independence of being a people. We have been doing a lot. I think anytime we can celebrate that, it’s always a great thing.


Tocarra: I most definitely agree with you Anthony! Regarding the platform Sessions, this will bring you and your fans together in an intimate experience, live and virtual. This seems so exciting! How do you feel about this incredible platform to share an incredible experience to engage with your fans?

Anthony: You know it’s a great way to soften things up as the world opens back up with live music. They get a chance to get their hunger back and see a great performance and reminisce about how it used to be. As it slowly opens up people will be that much more eager to go out to live concerts. So, I think Sessions is a great way to open that up to people and they do reach a lot of people. For them to celebrate Juneteenth, I think it says a lot about the whole organization.


Tocarra: So, you just mentioned a little bit about the world opening back up. Due to the pandemic a lot of changes occurred. What has the experience been like for you adding the streaming component to your craft?

Anthony: It’s been a bitter sweet one. Sweet in terms of I still get to perform, create and share my content, but there is a bitter side, not being able to touch people and be socially engaged like we used to. However, all in all it is rewarding in its own right. I would rather have that than nothing at all.


Tocarra: Being a prolific artist for nearly three decades, what is your secret or formula to remaining relevant in the industry and maintaining longevity in this competitive field?

Anthony: You know, just continue to sang my ass off (laughs) and take a few features. I get a lot of feature offers from a lot of people…from Lil Twist, I have had calls from Young Dolph, Lil Boosie. So, the rap industry helps keep me stay relevant in its own way, and just putting out really great R&B music – doing gospel, doing country,  branching out in different genres so people get a new look at me.


Tocarra: You are performing your new single “You Made a Fool of Me”. How do you feel about performing this hit song for the first time?

Anthony: I feel very great about it. It’s one of the songs that I haven’t felt attached to in a long time. So I am really excited about it.


Tocarra: Over the course of your career, you have performed with an array of talented musicians. Is there anyone that you would like to work with that you have on your bucket list?

Anthony: I think it’s a lot of them…anywhere from Herb to D’angelo, it’s just so many great people out there that I would love to get a chance to work with.


Tocarra: Before we close the interview, would you like to add anything in closing that we haven’t discussed?

Anthony: Be ready for the new album in September. Check me out at @AnthonyHamiltonOfficial on all of my social media platforms and my website AnthonyHamilton.com. And yes, I will see you guys this weekend.


Tocarra: Can you tell us a little bit about your upcoming album that will drop in September?

Anthony: Yes, the album is titled The Great Body Of Work; it’s a classic album. I put it up against Coming From Where I’m From. I have Rick Ross on it so far. I have a few other features that I am working on. It is going to be stacked pretty good. September is when it is going to roll out.


Tocarra: Great, sounds great! I wish you much continued success. Thank you so much for your time Anthony.

Anthony: I appreciate it! Thank you ma’am.


Tocarra: You are welcome!


Visit Anthony Hamilton at www.AnthonyHamilton.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anthonyhamiltonofficial

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/hamiltonanthony

Visit Session at www.SessionsLive.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sessionslive

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/sessionslive

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Last modified: February 19, 2024
