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Michael Floissac Q&A with Consciousness Magazine

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  1. Can you tell us a little about the author we know as Michael Floissac?
  2. I hail from the Caribbean Island of Dominica, and am a dad, husband, attorney and author. I’m very family-oriented, and like most, I spend my days trying to balance family and work-life. I’m very lucky to have a lovely wife to co-parent our toddlers, as they can be quite challenging as they learn to exert their independence. Some of my most enjoyable moments are observing my kids’ different expressions and mannerisms, and the highlight of my day is picking them up from daycare. I’m also a nature lover, so in my free time, I love visiting local farms and spending time at the beach, in and out of the water.
  3. You are the author of the book “Thank you! With Deepest Gratitude”. What inspired you to write this amazing book?
  4. I am saddened to say that, way too often, any day we turn on the news, there are stories that captivate us with violence and unjust treatment of human beings. It was around the time of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement. I was at home, and one evening in the mix of all that was happening in the news, my wife said to me, “this world is affecting my mental health; there is so much bad in the world.” I replied, “yes, I understand, and while it is important that all these issues are coming to light, we can do something to change the narrative and put something positive into the universe.” And that became Thank You! With Deepest Gratitude.

Plus, having two toddlers and wanting them to live in a society that is just was also an impetus for writing this book. As it is often said, kids are our future. I wanted my toddlers to have a reference from someone who is trying to live a life of gratitude.

  1. Regarding the content in the book, ‘Gratitude’ is your focus. When it comes to this word, what is it that you mainly stress and would you like to get across to your readers?
  2. Gratitude is a noun that means, “the quality of being thankful, readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.” It’s a multi-dimensional concept that can enrich one’s life and the lives of those around them.

First, practicing gratitude helps us to see we are not alone; we are humans collectively having a human experience. So, it’s not about individual perfection; it’s about growth alongside one another.  There is some relief in that mindset, that it’s not all about you and what you can accomplish on your own.  But the benefits can be quite personal.  There have been scientific studies on the benefits of gratitude that speak of improved sleep, improved cardiac health, and increased self-control, to name a few.

Gratitude also involves self-reflection and self-improvement to help one see things in a more positive way.  It does not mean you don’t have sad times, but gratitude allows us to find the positive in all situations and to have a practice of acceptance. For instance, in my relationships and friendships chapters, I write about how not all things last forever, but you can always look back on these experiences and reflect on lessons learned and how you can take the positive and move forward.

Finally, when you’re more grateful for certain aspects of your life, you want to take care of them, and honor them.  In my book, I help readers develop more gratitude for things in their own lives and for the broader world.  The result being that, again, the more that each of us feels gratitude toward, the more will we take care of and honor in our lifetime.


  1. When people read “Thank you! With Deepest Gratitude”, what do you want them to take away from it?
  2. I hope readers will discover a tool to help them live a life of gratitude, and to enhance their happiness. It’s often the things right in front of us that we overlook, so first and foremost we need to acknowledge all those around us who have aided us on our current journey through the ups and downs that life throws at us. Then, I hope readers will learn how gratitude allows us to see the glass of the world as half full, with some optimism. As in, not just a single situation, but the world or life as a whole. My book is a tool designed to help with this. Though personal stories, thought-provoking questions and real-life experience, I invite readers to reflect on what they read, and to engage with each chapter as a means of exercising their gratitude muscle. The act of cultivating a life of gratitude is within your grasp, and I’ll show you how.
  3. How has your book changed your life?
  4. I think writing the book, in some way, has given me some added accountability in trying to live my best self. The first thing my wife said when the book was published was, “you wrote the book, now you have to walk the talk.” I think the book was a great catalyst for some of the things I have always wanted to do, personal choices, like changing the way I eat, establishing a regular exercise program, and going back to doing some of the fun things I enjoyed in high school, like surfing. I am actually planning my first surf trip this year. It’s been 30 years, and I cannot tell you how excited I am!
  5. Do you have any advice for those individuals who are striving to make a positive difference in their life, however, having a challenging time doing so?
  6. It is not life if it is without challenges, and it is in these moments of challenge that we may find our strength. Finding even some small thing to be grateful for, this is a good mechanism to distract from the negative, and diffuses a lot of the stress of our situations.

It is easy to let something that happens send you down a rabbit hole of negative thoughts, but you can also change your mindset with just one positive thought. There is the quote by Eckhart Toole, “Nothing ever happened in the past that can prevent you from being present now; and if the past cannot prevent you from being present now, what power does it have?”

Don’t let a challenge become a roadblock to your destination when it’s really just a speed bump.  It may slow you down for a minute, but then you conquer it, put it behind you, and you’ll feel the wind in your hair again. Gradually, it will fade into the distance, long behind you while you’re being present for, and enjoying, all that’s ahead of you.

  1. How can a customer purchase your book or contact you?
  2. My book is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble websites, among others. There are direct links right on my website, and a contact form, if you want to start there: www.michaelfloissac.com.You can also follow me on Facebook (@michaelfloissac), Instagram (@mfloissac) and LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-floissac/).
  3. Before we conclude the interview, would you like to add anything in closing?
  4. No-one said life would be easy. I challenge you to find something to be grateful for each day, no matter how small. You would be surprised how this simple practice will aid you in developing a gratitude mindset.

I’d like to leave you with one of my favorite quotes by Meister Eckhart:

“If the only prayer you ever say in life is thank you, it will be enough.”

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Last modified: July 3, 2023
