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Elisabeth Röhm Community Efforts

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Interviewed and written by Tocarra Eldridge

Consciousness Magazine had the opportunity to interview actress, humanitarian and author Elisabeth Röhm in regards to her extensive support of the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Foundation and her ongoing community efforts.

Elisabeth Röhm is known for her roles as Taylor on The Client List, Serena on Law & Order and Kate on Angel. At the beginning of the year she released her book about her journey to motherhood called Babysteps: A Journey to Motherhood Through IVF.

In her recent effort of supporting Therafit Footwear (which is a new line that produces comfortable and stylish sneakers), for every purchase of their red athletic sneaker, Therafit Footwear will make a $20 donation to the Red Cross Disaster Relief Foundation. The shoe line is also offering a $20 discount to its customers.

Here is what Elisabeth Röhm had to share with the readers.

Tocarra Eldridge: How did you get involved with Therafit Footwear?
Elisabeth Röhm: Therafit knew about my long-term relationship with the Red Cross; I’ve been a supporter for 10 years. The Red Cross took care of my mother after a natural disaster. I love the organization. I’m a new member of Therafit Footwear. I’m a big fan of the shoes! They [Therafit] told me that they were with the charity that I love, and it was a perfect fit. I’m happy to be a liaison between the both.

Tocarra Eldridge: When it comes to Therafit brand, what has the experience been like for you working with this company?
Elisabeth Röhm: Therafit makes a really good shoe. I recently tore my calf running and I wore Therafit shoes. They were comfortable and stylish shoes. Therafit focuses on giving back. So, it feels good to work with them. During my injury, not only did Therafit provide me with a comfortable shoe, but also a shoe with a good look. I like to work with companies who are doing good in the world. It inspires me to have a higher consciousness regarding the world myself.

Tocarra Eldridge: When did you realize that helping others or giving back was your calling?
Elisabeth Röhm: I was a child of the 70s. As a child I was taught by my mother the importance of helping others and also to see the world as a community. My mother was big with encouraging me to work with the Red Cross. I’m a firm believer in you should teach your children and encourage them to want to help others.

Tocarra Eldridge: You have been involved with Red Cross on a consistent basis. What are some disasters that you have helped to support?
Elisabeth Röhm: I’ve done a lot with different fundraisers. I’ve responded to disasters in New York when I was a resident there…responding to fires and other disasters. I helped take care of the people and also their personal disasters, whether that be educating them or teaching them hygiene.

Tocarra Eldridge: How gratifying has supporting this initiative been for you?
Elisabeth Röhm: It’s always satisfying when they [Therafit] call the Red Cross and say how happy they are because of the message. We’re just all so happy for the partnership. Therafit is the example of how all companies should be…giving back to others and the community.

Tocarra Eldridge: Besides Red Cross, what other organizations or community efforts have you been a part of in the past and looking to contribute in the future?
Elisabeth Röhm: I’m interested in continuing the American Heart Association, because my mom died of a heart attack, and continuing Global Green in their efforts. Ultimately, the Red Cross is what makes my heart beat!

Tocarra Eldridge: Would you like to add anything else before we close the interview?
Elisabeth Röhm: Thank you for this interview!

For more information about Elisabeth Röhm and her community initiatives please visit RedCross.orgTherafitShoe.com and www.elisabeth-rohm.com

Therafit is donating 50% of the profits from the sale of their PINK Deborah Sneaker to the Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation. http://www.therafitshoe.com/products/116-deborah-pink-athletic-womens-sneaker.aspx

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Last modified: May 14, 2023
